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About Us
MindtheMen was started in memory of Grant Macdonald who we lost to suicide in 2018.
The clubs are safe places where men (18+) are able to talk about their challenges with other men in a non-clinical setting. True peer to peer support.
Sadly suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in Scotland.
In 2020 71% of people who died by suicide were men with many never being able to talk about how they were feeling.
MindtheMen’s aim is to reduce male suicide by providing an environment where talking is the first step to realising that there are other options.
Our peer support club is free of charge and we meet every Monday night 7pm – 9pm. Just come along on the night, you will be made very welcome. We also provide an online Zoom meeting 7pm -9pm on Monday’s. ( Email for a passcode)
Outside of a Monday night MindtheMen have also been able to provide our men with the following activities: walking group, football team, art tuition, golf tournament, first aid, mindfulness, yoga and CBT.
All of our facilitators have undertaken suicide awareness training.

Join A Club

MindtheMen Online Zoom Meeting
Every Monday 7pm -9pm
Join 10 minutes prior, find a room you won’t be disturbed or interupted. Use headphones if possible.
Email for Zoom joining instructions and a password.

To attend a face to face club meeting we ask that you wear a face mask entering and leaving our venues. We also sit 1 metre apart and encourage hand sanitising to comply to Covid 19 guidance provided to us by NHS Scotland.
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The Big Ride
Thinking about coming to MindtheMen?
21 in 2021